Gluten Free Chips
Need a satisfying crunch but without the calories or gluten? Create Gluten Free Chips effortlessly for you and your family made from one item in your pantry. Customize this with as much or as little flavor with your own spices and dips.

Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.
Line a sheet pan with foil, spray with cooking spray; set aside.
Using a knife or a pizza wheel, cut the gluten-free wraps into 4 strips and then each strip into chip-size pieces.
Place on sheet pan and spritz lightly with cooking spray.
Bake for 3-4 minutes; watch carefully as they brown quickly!
Remove when golden and edges begin to brown.
Sprinkle with desired dried herb and/or spice mix.
Serve immediately.
A Few suggestions for dipping:
- Marinara sauce
- Ranch dressing
- Whipped Cream Cheese
- Whipped Feta Cheese
Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.
Line a sheet pan with foil, spray with cooking spray; set aside.
Using a knife or a pizza wheel, cut the gluten-free wraps into 4 strips and then each strip into chip-size pieces.
Place on sheet pan and spritz lightly with cooking spray.
Bake for 3-4 minutes; watch carefully as they brown quickly!
Remove when golden and edges begin to brown.
Sprinkle with desired dried herb and/or spice mix.
Serve immediately.
A Few suggestions for dipping:
- Marinara sauce
- Ranch dressing
- Whipped Cream Cheese
- Whipped Feta Cheese
PLEASE bring back the gluten free Pita chips!!!! They were the best cracker of their kind and there is nothing out there like them. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE‼️
For everyone of us asking to bring them back, there are probably at least 100 others not asking!!
I have made the recipe but it still doesn’t compare to your Gluten free Pita Chips. Your item was so popular that I don’t understand why it was discontinued. We keep hoping you will bring them back.
I too loved the Gluten Free Pita Chips! Please, please consider bringing them back even if only seasonally. Or maybe possibly direct mail order only. I seriously don’t even care how much you charge for them. They were by far the best gluten free product on the market.
Unfortunately we don’t have any plans of bringing back Gluten Free Pita Chips right now.
Why not??
There isn’t enough interest among grocers. Please talk to your store’s manager about your favorite products.
They were the only gf pita chip on the market & they were fantastic! I would have friends from out of town bring me bags & bags at a time because they weren’t sold anywhere near me. They were so good. Fingers crossed they’ll be brought back at some point.
Bring back gluten-free pita chips! Please! They will do well, they can’t not do well! Everybody loves them, gluten-free or not! Will you consider to bring them back?
I tried making my own with your wraps it’s just not the same!
Another request to bring back the gluten free pita chips!!!
Where can I find the snuggle hot dog bun please let me know love them very much miss them
Thanks for your comment, Robert. I’m sorry to say that we haven’t produced the Snuggle hot Dog Bun in many years. Recently there has been a significant number of requests for us to bring them back, so we’ve been looking into the possibility.
Please bring the gluten-free chips back! We will all promote the heck out of them! They were good enough the you could serve them to non-celiacs. Or could you sell the recipe to another gluten-free company such as Mary’s Gone Crackers, Crunchmaster, Enjoy Life, Trader Joe’s or other producers for whom this product would fit into their line.
I just did a search and can’t believe they are gone. It’s so hard to find good gluten free pita chips. Yours are the very best out there. I would buy 4 bags at a time, Please please bring back the gluten free pita chips.
I hope you will consider bringing back the gluten free pita chips!
Your gluten free pita chip are my favorite! Please bring them back!! They are the only ones out there. The GF community needs them!
No more gluten free pita chips. Suspicions confirmed. What a shame. So disappointed.
Please bring back the gluten-free pita chips I tried making them and they are nowhere near the same! I don’t understand it the entire gf/celiac community eats them just look at your comments! Your company is doing a dis-service to many people we urge you to bring them back please please please!
I can’t believe you discontinued the GF chips- Is this temporary or will they be coming back? They are THE BEST
Unfortunately, they are really gone and we have no plans of bringing them back just yet. We’re sorry, we miss them too.
Please bring back GF Pita Chips !!!!
I’ve been trying to find these chips for the last 6 weeks! My fear was that they where discontinued; my fear was confirmed today. As a celiac patient – you lose the convienence of not being able to grab a slice of pizza or bagel. Attending gathering’s at family/riends houses, hosts would go the extra mile to pick up GF chips and cracker to make me feel included. They were all one level about cardboard – not Toufayan GF Pita chips. They were the BEST! I’m devastaed! Toufayan Company – you got this one wrong!
No celiac wants to take an extra step to make a GF Wrap into a chip!
Hello. Any word yet of bringing back the gluten free pita chips? Please advise.
Thank you.
Sorry Marni,
Currently we have no plans to begin producing the Gluten Free Pita Chips again. While we know this is disappointing news, we are grateful for your feedback as we continually review our product line and assess consumer needs.
PLEASE ring back your GF pita chips!
There’s nothing to replace them and Stacie’s are making me sick!
Please bring back your GF pita chips. My teenage niece has celiac disease, and her mom was so happy that she could snack on hummus and your pita chips. They were WONDERFUL! the GF community needs you.
I cannot believe you discontinued the gluten free line.!!! After finally finding them, I was again able to enjoy hummus. I bought the sea salt every time I was at Publix. Please reconsider. It was the only brand I could find and I got plenty of other people to start buying them.
Please, PLEASE bring back the Gluten free pita chips (sea salt). Your regular pita chips, I’m sorry to say, have no flavor. They don’t taste at all like the gluten free sea salt pita chips. I have made your suggested homemade gluten free chips using your wraps, but they don’t taste like your gluten free ones. PLEASE, help those of us out who have to or who choose to eat gluten free. Toufayan gluten free chips are better than anyone’s.