In 1926 the Toufayan family’s passion for baking quality bread began, and three generations later, we’re still driven by that same commitment to bring the best breads to your table. When our customers asked for a more “user-friendly” and hearty pita for sandwiches, we took on the challenge to “Reinvent” the Pita! That’s how Smart Pockets™ were born. They’re a convenient, soft, square pocket pita, pre-scored so you can easily pull apart and enjoy “The Smart Way to Make a Sandwich.”
From our family to yours – The Toufayans

The Toufayan family is proud to make the finest tasting and heartiest breads for your family. We’re always glad to hear from you, so if you have a moment, drop us a line at info@toufayan.com or leave a comment below.
Hi, I bought a few weeks ago your whole wheat smart pockets at the gorcery sgore “Reumy” in Clayto Panama City, Panama. They didn’t have the expiration date on them and woul really like to boy them again but I am not reassured on how stores handle expiration dates here in Panama.
Toufayan Smart Pockets have a 10 day shelf life. It is intended for the grocer to mark the best by date on the product when they display it for sale. We’ll have one of our representatives contact your store to make sure they have the correct handling instructions.
Hello, my name is Trish. I have a very basic quick question for you guys. Where can I find the expiration date on the everything smart pockets package? I have looked everywhere but cant find it. Please help, thank you for your time and patience. As always you guys hit the nail on the head when it comes to your smart pockets!! I love them!
Hello Trish, thanks for your endorsement! Smart Pockets are meant to be coded for a 10 day shelf life. The grocer is intended to code the packages when they display them for sale. Please mention it to your store’s manager that the packages aren’t marked with expiration dates. If you let us know in which store these were purchased, we can try to reach out to them as well, to ensure they have the most up to date handling instructions.
Please bring back Snuggles
How many mg. of sodium are in your smart pockets original plain flavor?
Love your products!
Hi Karen! There are 50mg of sodium in our Original Smart Pockets. Please follow this link if you would like to view the Original Smart Pockets’ Nutritional Information. We love that you love our products!
Could you tell me how much I could fit in these pockets? For instance, 1/2 cup of chicken salad, etc.
Great question, Laura! I suppose it varies based on how finely chopped your ingredients are, but I just tried it for myself and it was just under 3/4 of a cup of chicken and rice (by volume) that fit in each Smart Pocket. I used rotisserie chicken diced into about half-inch cubes, mixed into some yellow rice. I also added bit of shredded cheddar, some hot sauce and a sprinkle of cilantro to finish it off.
We use the Smart Pockets with falafel and they are so easy! I have one question – what is the best way to heat them up so they are warm for the sandwiches?
We’re glad you are enjoying our Smart Pockets, we love them too! You can warm them up in a frying pan with just a little bit of butter or oil. One or two minutes on each side over medium heat should do. It’s also easy to put them in the microwave for 10-20 seconds on high – if you do, cover each one with a slightly damp paper towel. Enjoy!
I love these! It has been a game changer for me. I had bariatric surgery 8 years ago and cannot normally eat a sandwich/pita pocket due to all the bread fills me up, so i have to omit it or take off the top. I have not had this issue at all and it is very satisfying to enjoy a sandwich again! Plus I get some protein and NO sugar!
Hi can I find them in my area at Illinois smart pita pockets
You can find Smart Pockets near you by using our store finder.
In the past I have used Toufayan Pita bread for chicken pita sandwiches. What a nice surprise to find Toufayan Smart Pockets. They were much easier to use. Just wanted to say what a great product!
Well, I’ve fallen hard for your smart pockets! But now i can’t find them anywhere! I feel like a junkie trying to score a hit! Please tell me they’ll be available again soon!
Zip code 70072
Thanks for your endorsement, we feel the same way! You can find our Smart Pockets in the New Orleans area at Rouses Supermarket. Click here to find Smart Pockets near you. Remember to ask your favorite grocer to add Toufayan Smart Pocketss to their inventory if they don’t already have them, or have them contact us directly if they need help.
Do you recommend freezing Smart Pockets for longer storage?
We certainly do, if we find we have too many in the house. You can freeze unopened or tightly sealed packs for about three months. Ideally there is little or no air in the pack and you chill them in the fridge for an hour or two before moving them to the freezer. The faster they reach frozen, the better they’ll preserve their freshness. When you are ready to defrost, it’s best to leave them in the fridge overnight and then let them reach room temperature before unsealing them.
Hi Toufayan Rep,
This is my favorite Pita, and I’ve been eating it for 10 years plus. I’ve tried others, but nothing comes close to this taste.
I wanted to make sure I had some in hand for when I relocated to another state, so I purchased some packages before I moved. Unfortunately, I left them in the car overnight with 90 degrees plus temperature.
Do you think they are safe to eat? Toufayan – Feel free to email response to me.
Hello and thank you for your endorsement.
(Don’t tell the bakers but I’ve done similar, before a photo shoot.)
The real enemy of bread is moisture. Heat can cause it to go stale faster, but moisture will ruin it. If the packages we’re sealed, I’d certainly open one up and taste a bit. The visual appearance, smell and texture will be your guide. If it looks, feels, and smells good, it probably tastes good too. If they are a little stale but otherwise still good, you can rejuvenate them by heating them up in the microwave for 20-30 seconds with a slightly damp paper towel. They’ll be supple again and ready to eat. Once they cool after that, they won’t keep for too long so only heat up pockets you plan to serve.
Thanks again.
Hello, I was wondering if any of the smart pocket flavors are vegan or not, if any of them are vegan could you please give me a list of which are vegan? Thank you!
Hello Abby,
Our Sprouted Grains Smart Pockets aren’t yet certified vegan, however, we don’t use any non-vegan ingredients.
Sprouted Grains Smart Pockets
Ingredients: Whole wheat flour, water, yeast, organic sprouted whole wheat flour, oat fiber, wheat gluten, contains 2% or less of the following: salt, cultured wheat starch, citric acid, soybean oil, vinegar, guar gum, carboxymethylcellulose, acacia gum and corn sugar
Thank you for your interest, please feel free to share any comments or questions!
I am residing in Springfield, VA and was introduced to your smart pockets originals. I was getting the from wegmans in Alexandria but they no longer carry them so where do I now get them?
Please ask your favorite grocer to stock our Smart Pockets™, you can have them call us at 1-800-328-7482 or ask them to visit our contact page.
In Virginia, Some Wegman’s still carry Smart Pockets™, but it is up to each store manager to decide what products and varieties they stock. You can also try Shoppers, which carry Smart Pockets™ in your area. If you have the opportunity to visit a Publix, they carry our Organic Sprouted Whole Wheat Smart Pockets™ in some of their stores. Use our store finder for more details and areas.
Let us know if you find it somewhere else in your area, if you need help looking or if you have any other questions.
Thank you.
Also from Michigan here. I found the Organic Sprouted Whole Wheat Smart Pockets at my local Meijer store. However, I am unable to determine the use by date. Please help!
Hello Annescia,
We recommend to our grocers that they code our Smart Pockets™ for a 10 day shelf life. Sometimes they print the code near the seal of the bag, which might be lost when opening them for use. Some grocers use a sticker. We have found that as long as we keep them well sealed and store them at room temperature, they easily last those ten days and more. They’ll start to get a stale or stiff texture after their shelf life ends, which will occur sooner if exposed to air, moisture or extreme temperatures for too long. If you keep Smart Pockets™ or any bread products in your refrigerator, make absolutely certain to seal them very well with little or no air inside the package to minimize the chance of condensation.
Meijer use to carry the wheat Smart Pockets but now only the organic sprouted. I’ve been talking the product up for years, even requesting that Meijer’s distributor provide more inventory, since they seem to be out often. However, the Organic-Sprouted seems to be a wee bit smaller than the wheat. The larger size and rectangular shape allowed for more ingredients without bursting at the corners PERFECT. I know they are different sizes by measuring a single slice of cheese that I always use. The pocket now bursts way too easily, where it did not use to do that. Are they two different sizes or what? And if so why?
Hello Stephen and thanks for your your interest.
Size differences between varieties of the same product are surely not intentional. The differing ingredients do yield different rises, but the portion is the same. Our portions are regulated to adhere to the FDA recommended serving sizes. Variations in the rise may make the dimensions slightly different, but both the Whole Wheat Smart Pockets and our new Organic Sprouted Whole Wheat Smart Pockets are portioned to 1.5 ounces each.
Please let us know if you have any other questions.
Thank you and enjoy!
Can u purchase the smart pockets on line direct from your website. What stores carry your smart pockets in Manhattan?
Hello Elaine,
Thank you for your interest in Toufayan Smart Pockets™! Currently, we do not have a online store, however many of our products are available online. If you do purchase our products online, please come back and leave a comment to let our community know about your experience.
In your area, Acme, Fairway, Foodtown, Gristedes, King Kullen and Wegmans carry our Smart Pockets™. It is up to each individual store manager to stock Toufayan products or not, but those grocers already carry Smart Pockets™ and some of our other products.
Please ask your favorite grocer to add Toufayan Smart Pockets™ to their inventories or to contact us directly.
Ask them to call 800-328-7428 or visit our contact page.
You may also find stores in your area that carry Toufayan products on our where to buy page. From there you can click on your state to see a list of stores that are part of our distributor’s reach.
Thank you.
I love the smart pocket but can’t find them anymore!! Which stores in Brooklyn carry it,?
Hello Chana and thank you for your endorsement!
We’re sorry you’re having a hard time finding them in your area. Please try Fairway, Foodtown, Gristedes, King Kullen, Shop Rite, or Wegmans. Each store manager may choose to stock different varieties. Please ask your favorite grocer to add Smart Pockets™ to their inventory.
Let us know if you find a grocer in your area who can help, or if you still have trouble.
Thank you.
My name is Aladdin, do you do business directly with restaurants? I would like to order a large order for both my restaurants if possible!
Thank you
Hello Aladdin and thank you for your interest.
Typically we work with local distributors to provide our products to restaurants. Please contact a representative directly for more information. Call 800-328-7428 or visit our contact page.
I found these Everything Smart Pockets during a healthy lifestyle change. I loved to make a reasonable sandwich with these delicious pitas. I found them in the deli section of my local grocery, but unfortunately, every local grocery who use to carry them in the Lansing, MI area, no longer carries them. The closest thing I can find is the Organic sprouted whole wheat pitas that have more calories and although they’re still good, they’re not as tasty as the everything flavor. So disappointed. I even scoured the web trying to find somewhere I could order them and freeze them, but was unsuccessful.
Hello Denny and thank you for your interest in Toufayan Smart Pockets™.
There are currently 3 grocers within Michigan that have Toufayan’s Everything Smart Pockets™ available to them.
Those stores include: Martin’s, Spartan Stores and Valuland.
Please ask your favorite grocer to add Toufayan Smart Pockets™ to their inventories or to contact us directly.
Ask them to call 800-328-7428 or visit our contact page.
You may find a map of the country on our where to buy page. From there you can click on a state to see a list of stores in your region that are part of our distributor’s reach. It is up to each individual store manager to stock Toufayan products or not, but those grocers listed on our where to buy page already have the availability to stock our products.
Our Local Walmart does not date these. Seems a bit unusual to need to remember to mark on our calendar when we purchased these. We prefer these over any other bread & admittedly eat them in spurts but the wallyworld in Goody, KY sure doesn’t mark them.
Thanks for your comment! One of our representatives spoke with your store’s deli manager today. The manager promised to get those products coded correctly. Please feel free to comment further if you continue to see this issue in your store.
I love your Original Smart Pockets! They taste great and are only 2 Weight Watcher points each! I enjoy them for my lunch at work filled with thinly sliced lunch meat and fresh lettuce. Delicious!! I’ve also enjoyed them filled with scrambled eggs and salsa at breakfast for a very filling “low point” meal. Food Lion grocery store has them in my area of Virginia but they sell out regularly. Great product.
I LOVE your smart pockets! They taste good, they don’t sit real heavy, and they are healthy! I wish I could find more products in the stores near me!!
Hello Sarah and thank you for your endorsement!
Don’t forget to check out our store finder for stores in your area that carry our products. Also, please ask your the manager at your favorite stores to add our products to their inventories!
Let us know if you still can’t find Toufayan products in your area.
Thanks again!
I can’t wait to try them!!
Do you sell them in Northern California? San Francisco area? which store
Hello Lori and thanks for your interest,
Toufayan Smart Pockets™ aren’t available across California yet, but you can check Albertson’s, Walmart, Savemart or Sprouts, as these grocers carry many of our other products. Please ask your grocer to add your favorite Toufayan products to their inventories.
You can use our Store Finder, to check for availability updates!
Let us know if you still have trouble or if you do find them in your area.
Thanks again!
I have the same question! Bought them on East Coast, at a Food Lion. I was told they’re only on East Coast.
I’m waiting in line with you. They’re awesome!
We found these just recently at Walmart. They recently deleted the item. Looked at every store in town. Apparently they are no longer available in Lubbock, TX. They are very good with low fat and calories.
Have you tried BGC Brookshire? They carry Smart Pockets in Texas. Be sure to ask your store manager to add or replace Smart Pockets™ in their inventory.
Also, you can buy our Smart Pockets in a 3 pack on Amazon!
Brookshire no longer carries Smart Pockets. I am going to have to buy them online – it’s ridiculous that they no longer carry them, yet the lady in their bakery said that people always bought them. I’ll just order online.
Hi Mary,
We’re sorry you can’t get them at your grocer. We’ll tell our sales rep about it, but your store is sure to take your interest to heart as well. Please mention it to your store’s manager.
Meanwhile, if you do find them online, please tell this community about your experience!
Thanks so much!
I am extremely happy with these Toufayan smart pockets. They taste delicious and I can stuff them with sprouts and tuna salad and tomatoes, and not get juices all over the place. I was reluctant to try them at first because one of the bagel thins bread packages I bought in another brand tasted so bad.
Hi Mona,
We’re glad you like them! They are a staple in our health-conscious household as well. If you send us a picture and a recipe, we’ll feature it on our site, with credit to you!
I am a new “big” fan of these Smart Pocket. I just changed my eating habits, so i am very happy to have found these pockets.
I happened to see your Smart Pockets in a local grocery store, Market in the Square in West Seneca NY, and decided to try them because they were so reasonably priced. They are much better and much easier to use than similar products costing much more! I had never heard of your company before, but I am definitely a big fan now. Thanks very much and keep up the good work.