Select a variety to see more details and nutritional information.
Classic Plain
Garlic Pesto
Savory Spinach
Sundried Tomato
Wholesome Wheat
Smart Wraps
Classic Plain
Garlic Pesto
Savory Spinach
Sundried Tomato
Wholesome Wheat
Smart Wraps
Classic Plain
Garlic Pesto
Savory Spinach
Hearth Baked, Soft & Delicious.
Our old world recipes for Toufayan Wraps use only top quality, hearty ingredients. True to the original traditions, we hearth bake each wrap to perfection. Toufayan Wraps are convenient and versatile. We love to use them instead of sliced bread. With so many flavors to choose from, you’ll find just the right wrap to complement whatever you want to wrap inside!
From our family to yours – The Toufayans
Find them near youBUY ON AMAZON
See all wrap recipes.

The Toufayan family is proud to make the finest tasting and heartiest breads for your family. We’re always glad to hear from you, so if you have a moment, drop us a line at or leave a comment below.
How do you determine the expiration date on the sun dried tomato wraps?
Thank you
Thanks for your question. Toufayan Wraps have a 45 day shelf life. We ask your grocer to code the expiration date when they display the product for sale. Please let your store’s manager know that your Toufayan Sun-Dried Tomato Wraps were not coded. If you’d like us to try to reach out to your store, please let us know the store’s name and address and we’ll make sure they have the latest handling instructions.
Do you have any wraps without canola or seed oils?
All of our wraps are made with soybean oil or vegetable oil containing soybean, canola or sunflower oil. If you’re interested in heart healthy products, consider our Whole Wheat Wraps, certified by the American Heart Association.
For products without seed oils, try our Keto Flat Bread or, Keto Pita. Toufayan Hearth Baked Pita (Classic White, Whole Wheat and, Sweet Onion varieties) as well as our Pitettes® and Mini Pitettes® (Classic White and Whole Wheat) are all made without seed oil.
These are the most filling and delicious wraps I’ve had so far!
Why are “low sodium” wraps higher in sodium than “Wholesome Whole Wheat” wraps? That makes no sense! And can’t the latter be even lower in sodium? Thanks.
Thanks for your question, David. Wholesome Whole Wheat Wraps are naturally lower in sodium (135mg) than other varietes and Toufayan Keto Wraps have the lowest carbs (net 0). However, Toufayan Low Carb-Low Sodium Wraps have the lowest carbs combined with the lowest sodium among our wrap varieties.
Please feel free to comment further if you have any more questions.
I tried the low carb wraps at food lion and fell in love with them ..all of a sudden the food lions are no longer carrying them is there a reason why!
Our Low Carb – Low Sodium Wraps are still available to distributors in your area. It’s up to the store’s manager to stock each variety. We’ll ask a sales rep to contact Food Lion directly, but it’s always best if they hear from their own customers too! Please ask your store’s manager to stock Toufayan Hearth Baked Low Carb – Low Sodium Wraps, or to get in touch with us if they need help placing an order. We’d also appreciate it if you used our store locator by clicking the following link and fill out the product request form there:
Your gluten free spinach tortilla wraps are made with yellow 5, 6, blue 1, red 40. Do these colors not go through animal testing and yet these wraps claim to be vegan?
Hello Nancy, thanks for your question.
While many food coloring ingredients have undergone animal testing by researchers in the past, this is not a practice we or our ingredient suppliers condone or perform. Established ingredients like those used in our Gluten Free Savory Spinach Tortilla Wraps have long since been proven safe, and further research on these ingredients is uncommon. Toufayan Gluten Free Wraps are made with no animal derivatives and are naturally vegan. Below is a link to the statement from our ingredient supplier, confirming that the coloring ingredient is suitable for vegans.
Savory Spinach Coloring Dietary Restrictions
My local Publix store Lantana FL. offers your gluten free wraps as an option in their deli sandwich area. They use the largest size you make, but only sell the smaller gluten free version, both plain and spinach. Is there a retail store that sells the larger size in my area?
Thank you
P.S. Love your products
Thanks for the endorsement! Currently, the large size (12 inch) wraps are only available as food service products. We’ve explored the option of making them available on a retail level but so far there is no official plans to do so. We’ll add your comment to the list of those interested in having that option in stores as we continue to explroe the possibilities of being able to make that happen.
I love your wraps. I am having trouble deciphering the expiration dates. Can you help? For example, what does S/L45 141-22 01:51:05 L7 mean on the packaging? Is one of those codes the expiration date? Help me figure this out. Thanks
Thanks for your endorsement, Nellie!
The alpha-numeric code you reference is not an expiration date, but a manufacturer code. This represents the product batch, bakery facility and distribution center. When your grocer displays the product for retail, they are meant to apply the Best by Date at that time. Toufayan Hearth Baked Wraps have a shlf life of 45 days. Please contact your store’s manager to let them know that the Use by Date is missing, or let us know in which store you purchased these wraps and when and we’ll try to contact them ourselves.
Thank you for your response. I purchased the wraps in ShopRite of Vailsgate (Vails Gate, NY 12584). I would appreciate your help in contacting them. I have brought it to the attention of the Deli Manager several times, and the issue has yet to be resolved. Hope you can assist as I will not purchase any more wraps until they have added expiration dates. Thank you so very much.
A Toufayan representative will be in touch with your store directly. We also sent a written request to their customer care team. Please comment further to let us know if your experience improves.
Thanks again!
Meat Farms in Commack, the wraps have no expiration date
Thanks for your comment, Craig.
We’ll ask our distribution team to get in touch with your store. Our Hearth Baked Wraps should be coded for a 45 day shelf life at the time the grocer displays them. Since this date varies depending on how long the grocer stores them before display, the code must be added in the store. We do convey this requirement to the grocer, but we would appreciate it if you mention it to your store’s manager, or ask them to get in touch with us directly.
Hello, I am piggy backing on Nellie’s inquiry regarding an expiration date. I, too, purchased the in a Shop-Rite: .220 W Passaic St. Rochelle Park, NJ 07662. (201) 843-1424.
Also, what is the best way to freeze them? Can they be frozen individually and used as such.
Thank you!
We’ll ask our QC department to look into the expiration date, however, we would very much appreciate it if you told your grocer about the issue, as the date code is meant to be applied when the product is displayed in store.
You can freeze unopened packages of Toufayan Wraps for up to eight months. If you freeze individual wraps or opened packages, make sure that you remove as much air as possible from the packaging or freezer bag and seal them tightly. Moisture and air will adversely affect the freezing process.
My family prefers your products to any others and I appreciate receiving coupons for your products thank you
My name is Somer Evans and I am reaching out to share about my gluten free journey. Recently, I visited a naturopath doctor who suggested I try and cut gluten out of my life. My family actually owns a bakery in Green Bay, Wisconsin. So, imagine my horror to know that everything I love to bake must now be cut out of my life?! I have always suspected that gluten affects my body negatively, and now, as my husband and I are struggling to get pregnant, I see the extreme importance of doing everything I can to help rebalance my body to hopefully carry a child sooner rather than later. This all brings me to your gluten free products. Amidst this huge shift of going gluten free in our home, I am encouraged how companies like yours are doing their part to make quality gluten free options for everyone to enjoy! And you’re even at our local woodman’s store. How exciting!
Do the natural flavors in the organic sprouted whole wheat wraps contain sesame? My son has a a severe allergy. Thank you.
Hi Lynn,
Our Organic Sprouted Whole Wheat Wraps do not contain sesame in their natural flavors. Your son can safely enjoy them! Thanks for your question and feel free to comment further if you need anything else.
Hi- thanks for providing a great gluten-free wrap. My local Sprouts store typically has them in stock. What is the shelf life of these wraps if I store them at room temperature?
Thanks for your endorsement, we think they’re great too! Toufayan Gluten Free Wraps have a 30 day shelf life stored at room temperature, away from direct sunlight. Unopened packages can be frozen for up to eight months and defrost at room temperature in about two hours. Defrosted wraps have whatever remaining shelf life they had before being frozen.
Until 3 weeks ago I was able to buy toufayan gluten free wraps at my local Sprouts stores but they have not had any re entry and they don’t show up as out of stock on their website. Has Sprouts or my local stores stopped carrying them?
Our Gluten Free Wraps are still available in Sprouts, Safeway and Food City, among many other supermarkets. However, it is up to each store’s manager to determine their inventory. Please ask your grocer to include Toufayan Gluten Free Wraps in your store – you can have them contact us directly, or use this form for more details.. Meanwhile, you can check our store finder to find them in your area, or order them from our Amazon store.
How should these wraps be stored??
You should store our Hearth Baked wraps at room temperature, ideally away from heat sources (the top of the fridge is not a good place for bread). Keep them out of direct sunlight as well.
Unopened packages can be frozen for up to eight months, and defrost at room temperature in about 2 hours.
If you choose to refridgerate them, be sure to seal the packages very well, with no air inside – condensation inside the package will make them become stale faster.
Really impressed with the wraps.
I have tried to find your wraps at the local Safeway near me (99218, Newport Highway) and they say they have not sold your wraps for years. Your website says they are sold there. A few of the Albertsons mentioned on your website are closed down. Where can I get them if they aren’t there? (Spokane WA, 99218).
Can I order the wraps on line?
Hello Matthew, thanks for your comment.
When I check our store finder for wraps in your area, I don’t see any listed. I’m curious to know where you found information about availability that conflicts with that.
If you use the store finder, you will be given a product request form, please fill that out to improve the chance that a distributor in your area will start carrying our wraps. We also encourage you to ask your stores’s manager to add Toufayan Hearth Baked Wraps to their inventory, or contact us if they need help.
You can purchase Toufayan Wraps from our Amazon Store. Products from our Amazon Store come in 3 packs only. You can freeze unopened Toufayan Wraps for up to 8 months.
Please feel free to comment further if you have more questions or if you can point out where we’ve given some innacurate info about stores in your area.
Do any of your regular wheat flour-based wraps have “Gluten-Free” in smaller print on the packaging? I have a sensitivity and twice now I’ve ordered from the deli at my grocery store after trying to figure out which of their Toufayan Wraps were gluten-free. Both of those times, the wraps we settled on were ones that had “gluten-free” in small print on the packaging but no big yellow banner that I’m now seeing is a characteristic of your gluten-free products. This is very concerning because I felt very unwell after having your wraps a few times now. A consumer that is searching for special products can be misled by any mention of the term, “gluten-free” when the product itself is not gluten-free. Would love if someone can confirm or deny this.
Hi Danielle,
Thanks so much for your comment. We certainly don’t intend to confuse or mislead anyone with our packaging. For all of the Gluten Free products that we sell to consumers, the Gluten Free banner is very large and clear on the packaging.
Since you are ordering from the deli counter, you are likely getting our Premium Restaurant Style Wraps (Food Service Wraps) which are only available to restaurants and delis. Toufayan Food Service Wraps utilize a single packaging design for all of the available varieties. This packaging does list each available variety, but that is not an indication of the actual contents. The food service provider specifies which variety they want and our facility stamps each package to indicate the contents. Please ask your store’s representative to contact us if they need help or have any questions.
Here is an image of a Gluten Free Food Service Wrap as compared to Plain Food Service Wraps:

In an effort to help ensure this never occurs again, we are working to update our food service packaging to show a clear difference between Gluten Free Wraps and other varieties.
Feel free to comment further if you have any other questions.
I enjoy the wraps but I don’t eat them everyday. What is the best way to keep them fresh once the package is open? Should they be refrigerated? I am in Florida.
You should store our Hearth Baked wraps at room temperature, ideally away from heat sources (the top of the fridge is not a good place for bread). Keep them out of direct sunlight, and in low humidity. as well.
Unopened packages can be frozen for up to eight months, and defrost at room temperature in about 2 hours.
If you choose to refridgerate them, seal the packages very well, with no air inside – condensation inside the package will make them become stale faster.
Hi I don’t see information on Wrap plain about expiration date, production date and storage conditions
Our Hearth Baked Wraps have a shelf life of 45 days after defrost. Your grocer should mark the expiration when they display the product. You should store Toufayan wraps at room temperature, avoid direct sunlight. We stamp an alhpa numeric code on the packaging, which represents the batch and production date. Feel free to comment further with any other questions.
As a diabetic, I monitor my carb intake. After enjoying your Low Carb Wraps for years, I recently noticed that the net carbs increased from 9 to 14. Could you explain the reason for this?
Have you changed your recipe to include more carbs? If so, is there any chance your old recipe will be available again?
Thank you for your time and attention.
Hello Loey,
Thanks for your comment. We did have to update the recipe in keeping with available, wholesome, sustainable ingredients, but we hope you enjoy it. You can find the complete nutritional information on this website. The new recipe is 14 net carbs and with more calcium, iron and protein than before (10g protein, 45% calcium daily value and 10% iron daily value).
Currently, we have no plans to modify our recipe further, or return to the old recipe. However, we are always looking for ways to improve our products.
Please let us know if you have any more questions or comments.
It is right here on your site posted by you in several reviews. I saw the review on this site and purchased based on the 100 calories. You can see this below in the reviews.,only%20100%20calories%20per%20serving.
Also there is a listing on Amazon with the same wraps showing 9g net carbs and 100 calories, but they don’t seem to exist anywhere else –
Seems very misleading…
Hello Neal and thanks for your comment.

The nutritional information for Low Carb-Low Sodium Wraps was updated in 2019. There are 160 calories per wrap. Thank you for pointing out the old comments, we have updated them for consistency. The Amazon listing you reference is not an official reseller of Toufayan products and is showing an out-dated package with incorrect nutritional information.
To make sure you are purchasing authentic products, please check the ‘Ships from’ or ‘Sold by’ fields on Amazon, to confirm they are from Toufayan Bakeries.
See our official Amazon listings here.
How come you market the low carb wraps as 100 calories but the back of the package says 160? It’s rather misleading
Hello CJ and thanks for your question.
Can you tell us where you saw marketing like that? As far as we know we don’t market our Low Carb Wraps as 100 calories as the marketing around that product is focused on the Net Carbs. Each Low Carb wrap is 160 calories, all of our wrap varieties are between 150 and 170 calories per serving.
Hi there. I was recently tested for IGG reactivity for food sensitivities. Brewers yeast came back as something I should avoid. I’m also trying to avoid gluten so I’ve been using your wraps… But I see the ingredients list “yeast.” Could you tell me what kind of yeast this is?
Hi Meredith, thanks for your question. We only use Baker’s yeast, you can enjoy our Hearth Baked Wraps and our Gluten Free Wraps safely!
Is there an expiration date on the package? What is the logic of the black printed numbers?
Your grocer adds the expiration date when they stock the product on their shelves. The printed code numbers are applied by the distributor and help to indicate which distribution service was used and allows us to track which batch the product came from.
Hello! I love your wraps Especially the gluten free ones but it’s so hard to put a decent size wrap together on. 9 inch wrap. I asked at my local grocery store if they would sell me the 12 inch wraps but said they can’t ! Where can I buy the 12 inch wraps ?
We love them too! Working with the 12 inch wraps, known as foodservice wraps, it is much easier to make restaurant-quality dishes. Because of popular demand, we’ve been working with our staff to determine if it will be possible to offer the 12″ wraps to the public. To help make sure we can get this project underway, please ask your favorite grocer to request the food service wraps as consumer products! If you’re interested in purchasing a case (6 packs of 12 wraps) you can contact a Toufayan sales rep or call us at 1-800-EAT-PITA (800-328-7482).
Thank you!
I have to be Gluten Free and love Mexican food. I’ve been using Mission soft GF Tortillas to make quesadillas and experimental combinations of other foods. Most foods taste a bit bad to me since i was treated for mouth cancer with 35 days of radiation. That destroyed my taste 2 1/2 years ago. Anyway I would buy my tortillas at the local Army Commissary or markets but I have not seen them for months. I went to a different store nearby and saw your GF wraps and bought a package. Really had never heard of you before so I took a chance. Last night I took some homade Pad Thai Chicken (I cook some thai food) and put it in a freshly very warm wrap of your and folded it like a spring roll. WOW! it was fantastic and I was so happy. Tonight I used a wrap to make a ham and cheese sandwich which was also great. So far I am batting 1000 on 2 times with your wraps and will try my weird quesadillas combo of chicken, shredded cheese, leftover mixed veggies and potato chip crumbs. Glad I found you.
Thanks for your endorsement Howard! We love to hear about our customer’s experiences and we’re also glad you found us.
Search for all of our Gluten Free Wraps flavors near you.
Can your Wraps be frozen? Am a single person & while happy to have found your Wraps, I wonder how best to store them longer term (6 per pkg). Fridge or freezer please? Thanks in advance.
Hi Karen,
You can store unopened packages in the freezer for up to 8 months. Thaw frozen wraps at room temperature for about 2-3 hours. After thawing, our wraps have a 45 day shelf life. Its best to freeze wraps immediately after purchase, if they are close to their use by date before going into the freezer they may not last very long after thaw. We recommend you freeze unopened packages only, but if you do freeze opened packages, be certain to remove as much air from the package as possible and seal them well. Never freeze warm products.
Store your wraps at room temperature, preferably not in direct sunlight.
Feel free to comment further or ask another question.
I would like to know where I can buy the large size wraps like they use at diners, restaurants, delis, etc? I live in Queens, NY and work in Manhattan, anywhere I can purchase in New York is fine.
Thank you,
Thanks for your interest, Edwin! Our 12″ wraps are currently only available for foodservice. We’ve recently received a few similar requests. We’d love to know what you would make with our 12″ Premium Restaurant Style Wraps if they were available at your grocer?
FYI, you can buy 12″ wraps directly from our headquarters. Contact us for more information.
Years ago this company used to have these wraps that were used for Frankfurters as the buns . Whatever happened to them , they were in a shape like an U . I was crazy about them my whole family . Did this company just stop making those buns . If not please let me know where I can buy them at . Thanks
They were called Snuggles. We haven’t made them in a long time, but recently popular demand has us looking into the possiblity of starting to produce them once more. The process of re-establishing a product like that is more complex than you might think, but we appreciate your comment and we’ll consider it a “vote” for Snuggles!
Hi There. I can only find your 9″ wraps in stores, but the restaurant I visit frequently uses a 12″ wrap. I live in Florida. Where can I find your 12″ wraps?
Unfortunately our 12″ wraps are only available for the food service industry. However, we’ll consider your comment as another “vote” to making our larger wraps available to the public!
Hello Toufayan,
I would love to see an expiry date like MM DD YEAR (Nov 11 2019)instead of the code on your packs.
Hi Reggie,
The date code is handled by the grocer. Each grocer or market may use a different method. Some have their distributors print the code on the bags, others apply a sticker when they stock the shelves. If the code isn’t readable, we recommend bringing it to the attention of the store manager. Let us know where you purchase our Hearth Baked Wraps and we can work with the grocer on their process.
I like the Low Carb-Low Sodium Wraps. I get the 9″ size, but I sure would love to have 12″ or even 18″ size. Do you make larger sizes?
Thanks for your interest! Our 12″ wraps are currently only available for foodservice. Our 12″ Low Carb wrap is lower in sodium than many other wraps but it is a little higher than our Low Carb-Low Sodium 9″ wrap. If you need to order a case or more, you can contact a Toufayan representative directly to find out more.
Should you refrigerate after opening?
Our wraps don’t require refrigeration, however, many people do prefer to keep them chilled. We recommend storing them at room temperature far from heat sources or moisture. Whether you place them in the fridge or leave them on the counter, make certain to seal them well. Use the resealable package they come in or a gallon-sized resealable bag. Wraps and other bread products that are exposed to humidity will become stale sooner. If you keep them in the fridge, let them return to room temperature before using them. Remember that you can heat them up in the microwave or on a pan with butter or oil to increase flavor and pliability.
Looking for the wholesome wheat wraps in the Chicago land area. Will I be able to find them around here?
Looking for the wholesome wheat wraps in the Chicago land area. Will I be able to find them around here?
Hello Ed and thank you for your interest in Toufayan Wholesome Wheat Wraps.
Currently there aren’t any grocers within the Chicago area that have Toufayan’s Wholesome Wheat Wraps available to them.
However, there are 2 Meijer locations that carry our Organic Sprouted Whole Wheat Wraps. Give them a try! We’d love to hear your feedback.
Also, please ask your favorite grocer to add Toufayan Wholesome Wheat Wraps to their inventories or to contact us directly.
Ask them to call 800-328-7428 or visit our contact page.
You may find a map of the country on our where to buy page. From there you can click on a state to see a list of stores in your region that are part of our distributor’s reach. It is up to each individual store manager to stock Toufayan products or not, but those grocers listed on our where to buy page already have the availability to stock our products.
I really like the Toufayan Gluten Free wraps. I can only eat gluten free and it is awesome to find a wrap that has such good flavor. I use the wraps for a variety of dishes including pizza. Better than other brands I have tried. I know the wraps are fragile as they are gluten free, so they do not have the same texture as gluten wraps. I do have one question. These wraps are limited in the area I live, so I buy them all when I can get them. Can I freeze them if I buy several packages?
Hello Diane, we’re really glad you enjoy them!
Don’t forget to try heating them up: place moist paper towels over each one and take for a spin in the microwave for about 30 seconds, or place them in a skillet coated in warm butter or oil on low heat for about 45 seconds or until warm throughout. The heat brings out more flavor and helps to make them more pliable.
You can freeze unopened or tightly sealed packs for about three months. Ideally there is little or no air in the pack and you chill them in the fridge for a couple of hours before moving them to the freezer. The faster they reach frozen, the better they’ll preserve their freshness. When you are ready to defrost, it’s best to leave them in the fridge overnight and then let them reach room temperature before unsealing them.
I really like the Toufayan Gluten Free wraps. I can only eat gluten free and it is awesome to find a wrap that has such good flavor. I use the wraps for a variety of dishes including pizza. Better than other brands I have tried. I know the wraps are fragile as they are gluten free, so they do not have the same texture as gluten wraps. I do have one question. These wraps are limited in the area I live, so I buy them all when I can get them. Can I freeze them if I buy several packages?
Hello Diane, we’re really glad you enjoy them!
Don’t forget to try heating them up: place moist paper towels over each one and take for a spin in the microwave for about 30 seconds, or place them in a skillet coated in warm butter or oil on low heat for about 45 seconds or until warm throughout. The heat brings out more flavor and helps to make them more pliable.
You can freeze unopened or tightly sealed packs for about three months. Ideally there is little or no air in the pack and you chill them in the fridge for a couple of hours before moving them to the freezer. The faster they reach frozen, the better they’ll preserve their freshness. When you are ready to defrost, it’s best to leave them in the fridge overnight and then let them reach room temperature before unsealing them.
I would like to know where the low salt wraps are sold in Phoenix Arizona. I would also like to know the salt content in one 9 inch round. I have just recently been put on a low sodium diet so I am looking for more options for foods I can eat.
Hello Mary and thanks for your interest.
Currently we don’t have any wraps available in your area. Please ask your grocer to carry Toufayan wraps. You can also use the form on our store finder page to request products – simply search for your favorite products and if none are available near you, you will be presented with a product request form.
I purchased a bag of your Savory Spinach wraps this week, as did my coworker (both from different locations). She came in Monday with hers in a plastic ziptop bag and said that she went to pick it up and the bottom opened up and they fell onto the floor. She had to throw at least one out, but was able to salvage the rest of them. I thought it was strange, until today. I went to grab the few that I had left and the bottom broke and they went spilling onto the floor. We just wanted to bring this to your attention, so it doesn’t happen in the future.
The numbers on the bottom of the packaging are: SL/45 13:00:40 016-19OL1
Hi Kristie,
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We will have our Quality Control Department look into it right away.
I purchased a bag of your Savory Spinach wraps this week, as did my coworker (both from different locations). She came in Monday with hers in a plastic ziptop bag and said that she went to pick it up and the bottom opened up and they fell onto the floor. She had to throw at least one out, but was able to salvage the rest of them. I thought it was strange, until today. I went to grab the few that I had left and the bottom broke and they went spilling onto the floor. We just wanted to bring this to your attention, so it doesn’t happen in the future.
The numbers on the bottom of the packaging are: SL/45 13:00:40 016-19OL1
Hi Kristie,
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We will have our Quality Control Department look into it right away.
Where can I check the expiration date of the toufayan wraps gluten free ? Bardcode 7312401413. SL /45 11:38:49 265-18 OL1
Hi Gerardo,
The date code is applied by your store manager. Toufayan Gluten Free Wraps have a 30 day shelf life. Please check with your grocer.
Where can I check the expiration date of the toufayan wraps gluten free ? Bardcode 7312401413. SL /45 11:38:49 265-18 OL1
Hi Gerardo,
The date code is applied by your store manager. Toufayan Gluten Free Wraps have a 30 day shelf life. Please check with your grocer.
Hello, My company distributes to about 800 Asian grocery stores in the New York Area. I was interested in buying the Toufayan items to distribute to my stores. Please have a NY Sales Rep contact me.
Hello and thank you for your interest,
Please contact a representative directly, via our contact page, or call 1-800-328-7482.
Feel free to ask for additional help here if you need it.
Thanks again.
Hello, My company distributes to about 800 Asian grocery stores in the New York Area. I was interested in buying the Toufayan items to distribute to my stores. Please have a NY Sales Rep contact me.
Hello and thank you for your interest,
Please contact a representative directly, via our contact page, or call 1-800-328-7482.
Feel free to ask for additional help here if you need it.
Thanks again.
I just wanted to mention I decided to try a package of your gluten free spinach wraps. I don’t necessarily need gluten free but I noticed the wraps had a lower calorie count. I’m sorry to say that I was sorely disappointed in this product as it was extremely dry and fell apart immediately right at removal from the package. This purchase was not out dated as I made it only 3 days ago and it had “sell by” date – July 25 from a Publix supermarket in Jacksonville, Florida. I tried to make do anyway as I really wanted my veggie wrap but the dryness and crumbling made it impossible for me to enjoy. The entire package of wraps was just as dry and crumbly so I ended up discarding the entire thing. I don’t think I will be purchasing this product again.
Hi Debbie, we’re sorry you didn’t like our Gluten-Free Spinach Wraps, but we are grateful for your feedback.
Gluten is a protein complex found only in breads wheat, barley or rye products. When kneaded and prepared with water, gluten forms into an elastic network giving bread its pliability and softness. Sufferers of Celiac Disease, gluten sensitivity, display allergy-based symptoms that range from mild to severe, after eating breads that contain gluten. Dieters who chose to forego gluten products find that they might lose weight – this is primarily due to the reduction of bread and a more conscientious diet in general. Foods and beverages that do not contain wheat, barley or rye, naturally do not contain gluten. Products that contain wheat can be prepared without gluten, however, this leaves them without elasticity or pliability.
Considering the nature of a Gluten-Free bread product, you will find that our Gluten-Free Wraps aren’t as soft and flexible as our Hearth baked Wraps. To make up for this, we recommend that you apply heat (in the microwave with a slightly damp paper towel or over medium heat in a large pan with a little oil or butter until warmed) will help to increase softness. Moisture helps to reduce crumbling.
I had the exact same experience as Debbie. I looked all over the package for instructions or suggestions telling folks to “apply heat” beforehand, but there were none. This should be printed on the package. I will try this product one more time, heated, and hope for a better experience.
Hello, Debbie.
We’ll consider revising the packaging before our next order, thanks for giving us another shot and thank you for your suggestion!